Friday, January 4, 2008

Boarding Baby!

So how do you test a if hardcore control freak can let go? I now know the answer - strap her to a board and send her down a hill. That's what happened this week to my little vacation Nazi. Many of you have heard about my travels with Maddie and her constant need to have an agenda for every moment of our time. This time, Maddie found a way to let go a little bit - snowboarding.

This week, we spent three days in PA at the Seven Springs Ski Resort. It was our first attempt at snowboarding. We travelled with Mark and his kids, who all love it. Maddie and I really enjoyed it even though we didn't make it off the bunny hills. No broken bones, although my butt is sore from wiping out. I spent most of the time trying to master the tricks our instructor, Dale, showed us when he wasn't telling me his life story. Miss M, on the other hand, said, "Screw technique" and just went down as fast as possible running over skiers who didn't listen to her warning yell of "Move it, Move it!"

All in all, it was a great trip and quick escape from the chaos that is about to begin. The winter quarter starts next week and academic madness will begin again. Not sure if I should take my or Maddie's approach to this quarter. Maybe a combination of the two.

Anyway, thanks to Mark for organizing the trip and including us in the fun.

1 comment:

Jen Brann said...

Yay snow newbies!! I'm glad you guys had fun...Mad looks great in her gear! Love the Christmas pics too...I'll call you this week and we'll make a plan for when we can get together next. Good luck back at school Monday ladies!!