Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Crossing All Our Fingers and Toes

In just one day, our friends Jim and Karen Hodge will be going through an incredibly challenging situation (Check out their blog if you haven't done so yet). I have to say that I am amazed by both of you. Your strength and courage are inspiring. I can imagine that you'd prefer not to have to be inspiring. But, nonetheless, you are.

Second, I am so sorry we couldn't be there with you all more during this trying time as you were with us. But you have been in our thoughts and prayers. Maddie even bought Jim a Bengals tattoo to wear after the surgery. :)

Third, as you get ready for this big step, know that you are loved and being prayed for, as I'm sure many others are doing. I keep hoping though that God takes prayers in Dayton more seriously since it's such a depressing place. :)

We love you guys and have all our fingers and toes crossed that the surgery will go smoothly.

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